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Showing posts from July, 2023

The final preparation of SEE result publication

The final preparation of SEE result publication, can be seen as follows- 1. www.see.gov.np 2. www.neb.gov.np 3. www.see.ntc.net.np 4. www.see.edusanjal.com 5. www.ekantipur.com The results of the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) are being prepared for publication. The Examination Control Office of the National Examination Board has made the final preparations to publish the results in letter grading as before. . This time too SEE results can be viewed through website, SMS and IVR. According to the Examination Control Office, 19 institutions have received permission to publish the results. Out of which 14 can be viewed from the website and 5 can get results through SMS and IVR. .